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  • Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Page 21

Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Read online

Page 21

  "You think you get to decide that?" He snarled, straightening up and glaring down at me, "You think you can just decide to leave me?"

  I could only stare at him in silence, my jaw going slightly slack in surprise.

  Though I hadn't expected the breakup to be easy, I hadn't expected him to try and tell me that I wasn't allowed to leave him.

  "A woman like you leaving a man like me? Emily, you know that I'm the best that you'll ever do. You will never in your entire life meet someone who can take care of you like I can."

  His words made me hate him.

  It was so strange, how days ago I was sure that I loved him and now I could see him clearly. It was like my eyes had been covered with a film of low expectations that had been wiped away with Jaxon's gentle affection.

  "That isn't true," I whispered, fingers curling into fists.

  I'd never once wanted to hit someone in my life before but I was suddenly drawn in by the appeal of laying one hard punch right on the sharp hook of Rick's nose.

  "It is and you know it," he growled, kneeling down in front of me as though I were a child and he was the intelligent teacher scolding me.

  "I can find a hundred more women, but you will never find a man. Look at you, you're pathetic." His snarling scowl turned into a smirk as he gestured at me, "You're worthless with your painting. You're a liar. You're disgusting."

  "Rick." I whispered, grimacing gains his cruel words. How had I never seen him for the true person that he was? Had he hidden all this time or had I Just been blind?

  "You can't make me stay with you by being cruel. I won't let you be an anchor-"

  "Me, the anchor? Are you trying to say that I hold you down, Emily? You realize you won't be able to afford your little hobby anymore without me, don't you? I pay all the bills, I buy Ralph’s food, I am the one who provides here."

  He laughed again, that same cruel laugh that made the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight on edge. I shivered and shook my head, trying to shake off the vileness tat Rick's words coated me with.

  "I need to leave."

  "And just where will you go? Running back to Mom and Dad? You're in your thirties now, Emily, and you can't even take care of yourself."

  I didn't answer, standing up and walking into the bedroom.

  The bad sat in the middle, perfectly made with its grey sheets and stony comforter. Everything about this room was dull, from the smiles on our faces in the pictures to the color of the carpet. It was agonizing to walk through this and remember that I had once treasured all of it, that I had once thought it was the best I could do.

  I was going to have to thank Jaxon whole heartedly for setting me free.

  It was as if, for the first time in my life, my eyes were working.

  "You think you're going to take anything out of this house?" Rick growled, chasing after me as I walked into the room.

  "Just some clothes—" I began, reaching toward the dresser.

  As I bent over, he leapt in the way, his arms crossing over his chest.

  "Stop having a temper tantrum," I sighed before I could realize that I was speaking.

  With a roar, he pushed me backwards and I tumbled over, my hair falling in a mop around my face. I rolled over, rubbing at my sore arm that had banged roughly against the dresser. I was going to have a bruise there tomorrow, one that was an angry shade of yellow and blue.

  When I sat back up, his eyes were locked on my neck and the small bitten bruises that lined the porcelain flesh.

  Burning red, my hand flew up as if it could cover the dappled skin.

  Despite his anger and his cruelty, I hadn't wanted him to see that. I hadn't wanted to upset him anymore than I already had by trying to leave. Even though I had realized I didn't love him, I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

  "Get the hell out of my house, Emily," he growled, dragging me up to my feet and shoving me toward the door as Ralph howled and chased after me.

  Before Ralph could snap his powerful jaws at Rick, I grabbed hold of the dog, trying to steady him. The animal's heart beat against my arms so fast that I wanted to cry. He was scared and that was my fault as well.

  Once Ralph and I were out on the sidewalk, Rick abruptly reached forward to grab my arm and drag me back to him.

  When he spoke, spittle flew against my cheeks and made me flinch.

  "You're going to regret this," he hissed, then slammed the door in my face.

  Chapter 13


  “Cheers,” Lucas beamed, eyes glinting excitedly as he tipped his cup so that the edge of our crystal shot glasses clinked lightly, “That game turned out great! I thought for sure we were in trouble after that first half, man. Everyone was all over the place.”

  I gave an absent nod, stroking my chin as I stared down at the gleaming wood of the bar. It was polished so finely that I could see my pensive reflection mirrored back to me. There wasn’t a trace of joy in my face.

  Cynthia was pregnant. She was having a baby she claimed to be mine.

  I couldn’t believe it. We’d argued in my room an hour after she dropped the bomb on me. She’d taken a pregnancy test right in front of me, and it was definitely positive.

  She’d been gone since then, leaving the hotel in a flurry of rage and irritation. She’d been expecting me to be thrilled, I think. I’d always told her that I wasn’t sure I wanted children, I’d always been extremely careful. Never once had I made a drunk mistake, never once had I been sloppy. Even still, I wasn’t careful enough, it seemed.

  “Where were you for the third quarter, Jax?” Lucas asked abruptly, turning in his chair to look at me as he ordered up another shot, “You missed my turnover. They’re going to be showing highlights of that play for a month.”

  “Lost track of time,” I shrugged, “You’re the one who wanted to send me to the booth, remember?”

  “Was it worth the fine?” Lucas chuckled, “When I was stuck in the bathroom thanks to that awful shrimp scampi last year and couldn’t make it out on the field, Coach charged me ten grand.”

  For just a second, I forgot Cynthia. I forgot that Emily had vanished without a word. All I could think of was that magical kiss that we shared during the third quarter of that game. That magical moment that had spurred us closer and closer and eventually caused us to spend the evening together. My body went warm, like a soothing blanket was draped over my powerful shoulders.

  But then the real world came crashing back down again and all I could think of was Emily being gone and Cynthia carrying my child.

  Again, I just shrugged, though Lucas arched a curious eyebrow.

  “Did you see your sister?”

  I nodded this time, shooting him a look, “It wasn’t fair of you to do that.” I began slowly, “But I do appreciate the thought.”

  A wide grin burst over his lips as he gave a cheery nod, “Anytime, man. I just thought you should give her a chance is all. Family reunion in the works?”

  “Not quite,” I chuckled.

  We were only in town for another day or so and everyone was beginning to relax and unwind. Once we were back home, it’d be back to daily practices and news presses and interviews. Even the coach was at the other end of the bar, sipping on a scotch with a single ice cube melting in the glass. He smiled and chatted with the bartender about our 5-0 record this season.

  “Surefire shots for the super bowl,” he beamed.

  Dalton gestured slightly down toward where Lucas and I were seated, giving a wink as he bragged about our skills on the field and sipped at his drink, his cheeks flushing rose from the alcohol.

  The liquor burned own my throat as we did another shot, slamming the glasses too hard against the bar. The bartender looked over, frowning at us and taking the small glasses away.

  Lucas grunted and shook his head, smacking his lips until his grin pulling back over his pearly white teeth as he reclined slightly in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest and his ankle crossing o
ver his knee.

  “Hey, man, isn’t that your sister?” Lucas suddenly whispered, nudging my knee with his leg as he furrowed his dark brow and gestured over toward the front of the hotel.

  Curious, I whirled around.

  Emily stood there, tears in her eyes and a dog sitting patiently at her side. Her beautiful red rimmed eyes scanned the lobby. I could feel her searching for me.

  “Something’s wrong with her I think,” Lucas murmured, his own eyes startled now, “Is she crying?”

  “What the hell?” I murmured, leaping out of my stool as I rushed over toward her.

  She turned at the sound of my racing footsteps, one single tear slipping down her cheek.

  I couldn’t read the emotions on her face but she looked frightened and scared and alone—all things that I could not allow her to feel. I would protect her from bad days and late mornings and everything and anything that sought to put tears in her lovely eyes.

  “Jax…” sShe choked, the dog lurching to his feet and letting a loud roar ripple through its throat as I approached.

  I paused, holding up my hands as one of the concierges rushed forward.

  “Ma’am, we can’t have dogs in the lobby!” she cried, “You’ll have to take it outside-”

  “Just this once,” I interjected, taking out my wallet and slipping the woman a wad of hundreds, “Please. Just this once.”

  She hesitated, glancing over her shoulder then back at me, “It needs to go to a room before anyone else sees it. If it chews anything, I’ll have to charge you double.”

  I nodded gratefully, slowly kneeling down so that I was at eye level with the canine. Emily stood stiff and rigid at its side, tears making warm tracks down her cheeks.

  “Hey, boy,” I murmured quietly, stretching out my hand beneath its snout as slowly as I could, “You protecting Emily?”

  The dog snarled again, but gave an uncertain sniff at my hand. With a whine, he looked up at Emily and then obediently settled back on his powerful haunches.

  I tipped my head back to look up at Emily, who was straining to fight more tears from falling. She was failing, though her body shook with the effort.

  “What happened?” I asked quietly, climbing to my feet and wrapping an arm around her shoulders to guide her toward the elevator.

  As I pulled her away from the lobby, she grimaced and withdrew from my arm, one of her hands brushing against a large bruise forming on her shoulder.

  Instantly, I stopped walking and narrowed my eyes on her.

  “Em?” I asked firmly. “Tell me what happened.”

  “It was an accident,” she mumbled, glancing in embarrassment toward the people at the bar watching us closely.

  Coach had set down his scotch, leaning forward on his arms to frown at me.

  Silently, I steered her away from the watching eyes and to the elevator. As much as I wanted to have this conversation immediately, I wouldn’t let anyone start rumors about Emily. I didn’t want any of Cynthia’s friends to target her.

  I pressed the button and when the shiny doors slid open we stepped inside the small metal box as it rocketed us up several floors.

  “What’s his name?” I asked quietly, gesturing at the dog who would not leave Emily’s side.

  He pressed her to her leg as though he were molding himself to her. Whatever had happened had set the poor pooch on edge, his narrowed eyes sweeping the perimeter of the elevator as though he were trying to fend off some attack.

  He was a good-looking dog, all sleek fur and a dark, shiny nose. His cautious eyes lingered on me warily.

  “Ralph,” Emily finally cracked a smile, reaching down to bush her fingers over the dog’s skull.

  He nuzzled against her hand as she spoke his name, giving it a healthy lick. When he looked at her, the adoration in his eyes was almost tangible.

  “That’s right. You mentioned him before. You’re a good boy, Ralph,” I smiled, stretching out my hand toward him.

  At first Ralph eyed me, then gave me an uncertain lick. His tongue was warm and soft.

  “He’ll be your best friend if you give him some food,” Emily chuckled dryly. “He loves anyone who has a burger.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I smirked, stepping out of the elevator and pulling my hotel key from my pocket as we headed down the hall.

  I opened the room, pushing the door back to help her inside.

  As soon as Ralph’s leash was unhooked from his collar, he bounded around the large room, inspecting the spacious living room and bedroom and bathroom before finally leaping half up on the couch, freezing midway with his two large paws up on the cushion.

  “Is it okay?” Emily asked quietly, gesturing toward the dog who waited for one of us to say something.

  He stood perfectly still, like a canine statue.

  “Of course. Ralph, you go wherever looks comfy,” I grinned.

  He gave a happy bark as though he understood the words coming from my mouth, and then jumped up on the couch and curled into a tight ball. In minutes, the dog was snoring contentedly.

  “He’s never been a chewer,” Emily sighed, running a hand through her tangled hair, ‘If he messes anything up or has an accident, I’ll pay for it. I’m so sorry we just showed up here.”

  I gently guided her to the bedroom away from the snoring dog, helping her to sit on the bed. She looked so broken and sad, but I had so many questions that I was dying to ask her. They bubbled up in my throat, frothing forward and only stopped when I clamped my teeth down hard.

  I had to tell her about Cynthia, I suddenly realized.

  In all the commotion, I’d completely forgotten. Emily deserved to know, and fast, but she looked so upset that I was worried the news would only shatter her further.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?” I finally asked, “If you don’t want to, I’ll respect that.”

  I couldn’t keep my eyes from falling to the bruise on her arm, anger swelling up in me at the thought of anyone or anything ever laying a hand on her.

  “I left Rick,” dhe said simply, gazing weakly down at her hands, “he didn’t do this on purpose.” She added, jerking her shoulder slightly, “At least I don’t think so. He was just so upset.”

  I grit my teeth, fingers curling into fists though I tried to hide the action from the trembling woman at my side. How dare Rick ever, even unintentionally, harm Emily.

  “At least you’re away from him now,” I finally murmured, speaking through clenched jaws.

  She gave a slight nod and turned watery eyes up at me.

  “It’s all thanks to you,” dhe whispered hoarsely, turning slowly where she was sitting so that she could lay a delicate hand on my thigh.

  Instantly, the skin started to prickle as though electricity was welling up below my skin. I swallowed, trying to keep my mind from wandering to the curves and dips of the naked body hidden under her clothing.

  Her fingers twitched, slipping up my thigh, her eyes glued to me, lips parting just slightly. I could hear her breathing hitch and grow faster, lust blooming on her beautiful face.

  “Wait, Em…” I whispered, though every inch of me hated myself for trying to stop her, “we need to talk. I have to tell you something.”

  She just gave a firm shake of her head as she shifted up onto her thighs and slid her arms around my neck.

  She pressed her forehead against mine, our noses brushing, her soft breath lighting on my lips. A moan of pleasure rippled through me, my fingers sweeping over her legs.

  “Please,” dhe whispered quietly, her voice low and sweet with longing, “I need this. I need you. I know you leave tomorrow. I know we may never see one another again, but just one more time, let me feel you inside of me.”

  With a growl, I flipped her so that she landed on her back on the mattress, her eyes remaining locked on my own with the fluid movement. I took hold of her shirt, ripping it over her head and letting it fall into a crumpled heap on the ground.

  Our mouths crashed
together, tongues sweeping, fingernails digging into each other’s supple skin. We rolled over the bed like waves rolling over the sandy shores of a beach. The blankets tangled around us but we didn’t care, nothing mattered except each other. I wanted this feeling, this moment to last forever.

  Unwilling to break from the kiss, our lips fought and clashed even as our clothing was flung over the hotel floor. Delicately, I kissed away every single one of her tears as it slipped down her face, cradling her against me. She arched and writhed against me as though she were trying to mold her boy against my own, as though she were trying to become a part of me. Being with her made my soul feel as though it were complete, no longer fractured by the hardships and pain of life. Being with her made me feel as though I were finding a long-lost part of myself that I had never even known was missing.

  Colors were brighter, smells were fresher. It was like I was being shown a whole new world hidden just out of my sights.

  I slipped inside of her and she gasped, her arms wrapping tight around my neck, her whole body quaking with pleasure.

  As we rocked together, we pushed away the thought of our impending parting, we pushed away the lingering doubts instilled in us by Rick and Cynthia. We pushed away everything but the sheer ecstasy of being wrapped up in one another.

  In this room, nothing else mattered or existed except for us and our shared cries of raw ecstasy.

  Our hands curled together, clinging like we were the only things keeping us from being ripped apart, as though if we kissed deeply enough and clung tight enough to the other’s quaking body, we could prevent the sun from rising.

  Chapter 14


  Our bodies moved as one, slipping over the sheets and tossing between pillows as his hands smooth over the supple curves of my flesh.

  His fingers grip behind my knees so that he can pull my body down against his own strong one, our mouths crashing together. When his fingernails dig into my skin, my sharp cry of pleasure is dampened only by the fullness of his tender lips.

  The night had been endless, punctuated only by the faintest of sleep spells and a five-minute run down to the bar for a side of cheese fries. We'd gazed at each other over the blue basket of sliced potatoes, unable to stop smiling at the thought of we would return to in the room.