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Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Read online

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  Despite loving another, I would be forced to spend my days with a man who I could barely tolerate being next to.

  "He's going to be coming soon," I whispered hoarsely, slowly pushing myself up onto my knees, "I want to leave before he gets here."

  Rick instantly stopped, staring toward me with startled black eyes before taking a hesitant step toward me.

  The room spun slowly, like I’d been drinking or something though it radiated from the low pounding of my skull.

  "You're going to come with me?" he asked, "You're going to come back home?"

  You left me no choice, I wanted to spit at him, but I kept my lips firmly clamped instead.

  "Yes," I whispered, shuddering with hate at the word.

  "Good. But I want to see his face when you tell him," Rick slowly smiled, his arms crossing over his chest.

  "What?" I cried, "What do you mean?"

  "You're going to look that man in the eyes and tell him that you don't want him. You want me. You've picked me. You're coming back to me."

  "Why, Rick?" I begged, "Please, I'm going to come home with you, so just let's go before he comes back?"

  I knew that the second I tried to say those words, I would find myself completely incapable. There was just no way that I could gaze into the face of the man I love and tell him that I’d chosen another, especially when it was a lie.

  I couldn't tell him why I had to leave either, I knew Jax well enough to know that he would give up everything for me. He'd done it once before, and he would gladly do it again.

  This time, I couldn't let that happen. It would be my turn to protect him and everything that he'd worked so hard for. If I had to sacrifice my own joy this time, then so be it.

  "Please, Rick," I whispered, giving him a struggling smile and clasping my hands in front of me, "I just want to go home, to our home, to start our life again together."

  "That's so sweet," Rick responded coldly as the sound of a hotel key sliding into the door resounded through the room, "But how about you get this over with first?"

  Chapter 17


  I could tell that something had gone terribly wrong even before I opened that door.

  The faint cries of Ralph’s incessant howling drifted through the thick walls, his growls filled with an urgency I had never once heard coming from an animal before.

  As though I were crossing the football field, I hurtled across the soft carpet of the hall and jammed my key into the door, twisting at the doorknob and trying to shove it open.

  Though I tried again and again, something inside was blocking the way.

  I took a single step back, hurling my powerful shoulder against the door again and again until I finally was able to break it open.

  Emily sat crumpled on the ground by the bed, her eyes slightly disoriented and her face drained of all color. The beautiful, blissful woman I had left for breakfast was no longer in the room. She looked absolutely shattered, like her entire world had ended in the twenty minutes I was gone.

  It was as I took a hasty step toward her that I caught sight of the man.

  Just looking at him was enough to make a sharp chill roll up my spine. I didn't know who he was, not at first, but he was tall and thin and skeletal. He was the grim reaper in human form.

  It was only when his eyes narrowed sharply on me that I abruptly recognized him.

  "Rick," I murmured in surprise, "is that really you?"

  He'd changed quite a bit in the last fifteen years. He'd been a stumpy kid back then, though still scrawny. Age had made his face hard and stony as a rock. There were no emotions behind his eyes, just raw anger.

  Hurriedly, I looked back toward Emily, panic rising in me.

  "Did he hurt you, Em?" I growled, "I swear to god if you did..."

  He just smiled at me, his head cocking to the side.

  "I would never hurt the woman who loves me." He replied icily, his words slithering from between his teeth like a snake through grass, "I just thought she needed a reminder."

  "A reminder of what?"

  "What she could lose by losing me."

  "As far as I know, she made her opinion on that matter quite well known." I shot back heatedly, taking a single step toward the lanky man.

  Though he was tall, he was still much shorter than me, and I knew full well how much stronger I was.

  "It seems she's had quite the change of heart. Haven't you, Em?" he smirked and I wanted so bad to punch him right in the fac.

  I wanted to do anything that would knock that smarmy look away. Whatever it was he was trying to do, he thought he was so sure he'd be victorious. I wasn't sure what was going on yet, but as soon as I figured it out, Rick was going to be sorry.

  "Emily, tell your brother what's going on," Rick commanded, my hands balling up at the stern tone.

  He spoke to her like Emily was a misbehaving child, one that he could lock in a closet for bad behavior.

  Though I wanted to beat Rick up, I turned my attention toward the shaking woman in front of me instead. It was her who needed my attention, not Rick.

  "Let's hear it, Em," I said softly, "Tell me what's going on."

  Her tear filled golden eyes lifted toward Rick, then swept slowly over to me. Her lips parted but the words did not seem to rise up to her tongue, a soft cry escaping instead as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  "I'm not a patient man, Emily," Rick muttered irritably, "Come on now."

  "I'm sorry, Jax..." She finally began, choking over every syllable as though she was disgusted by what she was saying.

  Though I could tell clearly that she was miserable, Rick was beaming ear to ear, bouncing up happily onto the balls of his shoes like he was doing some happy little dance.

  "What are you sorry for?" I asked, wishing so badly that I could cross the room in just one long stride and sweep my arms around her quivering frame and kiss away each and every tear on her face.

  I didn't, though, standing stiff by the hotel door. I still needed to figure out what kind of game Rick was playing, and I didn't want to make a move that would trap Emily into his sick game.

  "I love Rick. I'm going home with him," she stammered, trying to look me in the eyes though her stare was so heartbreakingly pitiful that it almost brought tears to my own eyes, "I know you won't understand, but it's for the best."

  "For the best?" I laughed, looking at Rick, "You think that going home with him is for the best?"

  "Please don't argue," she continued, eyes widening in alarm, "Please, I need to leave."

  "I'm not letting you go anywhere," I responded calmly, "Not until I know why you're doing this."

  Rick looked at Emily warningly and I could see a panicked color rise to her cheeks.

  She climbed unsteadily to her knees, balancing with her palms on the carpet, "Jax, you have to let me go—"

  "If you want to leave, I would never stop you, Em. But I don't think you really want to go. I think this lunatic is trying to force you."

  "Why would I have to force her when she's obviously so willing?" Rick shot back, ignoring the fact that Emily looked at him like a bag of dirty rags covered in filth and grime.

  "So, Emily, do you really want to go with him?" I continued, gazing at her levelly.

  If she truly wanted to leave, I would have no problem with it. It'd break my heart into a thousand irreparable pieces, but I would even help her go if it was what her heart truly desired.

  This, however, was not that occasion, and I would never let Rick get his hands on her after the bruises that I saw. I would take Rick down myself if I had to.

  "Come on, Emily," Rick commanded, "Get off your ass and let's go home. Leave the dog."

  Her eyes shot toward the bathroom where Ralph was still trapped. he'd stopped crying as soon as I entered the room, as though h knew that I would take care of all of this. And I would.

  "Em, just tell me what's going on—" I started though she gave a hasty shake of her head.

  She climbe
d nearly to her feet then wobbled dizzily and fell back down, one of her hands pressing to her temple.

  I took an instant step forward, stopping only when Rick narrowed his eyes harshly.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, looking toward Rick, "Listen she needs a doctor."

  "She's fine. Just a drama queen, aren't you, Emily?" he retorted with a roll of his eyes.

  Suddenly, Emily lifted her head and looked at me, tears freefalling down her face.

  "He's going to tell everyone," she gasped, clutching at her heart, "He knows about us and he's going to tell. I can't let that happen to you or your baby?"

  "Baby?" I repeated, taking all of ten seconds to realize what she was talking about, "You know about that?"

  She nodded tearfully, "It's best for you if I leave. I have to go."

  "And time is running out, Emily." Rick interjected, "Come on."

  "No, Em, you don't have to go—"

  "Didn't you listen to the girl?" Rick shot, "If we don't leave now, I’m going to tell everyone I can about you. I'll ruin your life."

  He grinned at me, hands in his pockets, that joyful expression still on his face.

  Instead of being irritated by it now, however, I slowly let a victorious smile cross my own lips. His faltered, his dark eyes narrowing on me again.

  "What?" he growled, "Is there something you want to say?"

  Emily still struggled to climb to her feet, but I held up a hand to halt her. She gazed at me, confusion on her beautiful face.

  "Relax, Em,." I said gently, "Rick just lost all his good cards."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" he barked as my smile only widened.

  "Rick, I just told everyone downstairs about how much I love Emily. They all know. They don't care. You can go on and tell anyone you like. Won't bother me a bit." I paused to smile gently at Emily, "And there's no baby on the way. Not for me, anyway."

  Emily collapsed on the carpet, tears still leaking free from her eyes though her shoulders relaxed from the stiff position they were in.

  "Get the hell out," Rick snarled abruptly, "I'm taking Emily back with me and that's all there is to it."

  "This is my hotel room," I shot back, puffing up my chest so that I stood at my full height, towering over the skinny little man, "I will not be going anywhere, and neither will Emily."

  "I said get the hell out of here!" Rick shouted as Emily let a cry rip through her throat and cupped her trembling hands over her ears.

  The lanky man ran toward me, pulling back one of his arms, his fist curling up tight.

  Expertly, I dodged his lunge, grabbing his other arm and spinning him to face me. With a single well-timed punch to the eye, Rick collapsed on the ground like a rock.

  "I called the police!" Cynthia cried abruptly, bursting in the room and carefully side stepping around the limp body of the unconscious man, "Hotel security is on their way up right now. Lucas and I heard you all yelling!"

  Shooting her a grateful look, I darted across the room to bend down beside Emily, scooping her into my arms.

  I cradled Emily against my chest, hugging her to me as though a simple embrace would be all it took to wipe her memory clean of this horrible day.

  "I am so sorry, Em," I whispered in her ear, "I am so sorry I let him hurt you..."

  "It wasn't your fault." She replied, lifting her head so that she could press her lips greedily against mine.

  Again and again we shared that kiss, as though it was the only thing keeping our heads above quickly rising waters.

  "I'm just glad you're here now, I’m glad your career is safe."

  I laughed, I couldn't help it, though it was a sad laugh.

  "God, Emily, you mean more to me than any career I have or had or will have. I would rather be with you than anything else in the world."

  She gazed at me, eyes wide and stunned.

  "Move with me. Come back with me. Let's be together."

  "You want to be together?" She whispered, "You and me?"

  "And ralph." I grinned, capturing her lips as we clung together

  "Please, Emily, I love you more than anything. Move in with me?"

  She nodded gleefully, clinging to me as the police rushed into the hotel room. Cynthia opened the bathroom door and Ralph bolted out, instantly jumping into our arms as we held one another tight. The redheaded woman looked on with a mix of sadness and happiness on her face, turning slightly to look toward where Lucas was lingering in the hallway. She stepped around the cops as they handcuffed the now barely conscious Rick, going to stand beside the green eyed running back.

  "I love you, Jax," Emily whispered softly, clinging to her dog and to me as though we were the only three who mattered in this world, "I've loved you for so long I don't even think I realized when it started. That's why I needed to see you so badly, that's why being without you felt like such a void..."

  I couldn't help but agree with her.

  "I love you, Em. Now and forever."



  It’d been six whole months.

  Six of the most joyful, loving months of my entire life.

  The time had flown by in a haze of warm embraces, new changes, and fingers interlaced tight together.

  It was so funny, how quickly life changes before you can even blink. The day before I found out Jax was coming into town, I would never have guessed the direction my life would go. I would never have guessed that Rick would be the one fired from his job for misconduct, now working at a car wash as a cashier.

  I never would have guessed that I would wake every morning beside the love of my life and my stepbrother, our bodies nestled close and our breathing falling in matching time.

  We lived out of Boston now. We had since the day he asked. I got on that limo with the football team, who made Ralph their unofficial mascot, and I went home with Jax never to look back.

  He sat across from me in the car now, our fingers wound tight as we both stared straight ahead at the house in front of us.

  While it was familiar to me and I could map out every single room in that house, it was foreign to Jax. He hadn’t stepped foot in that home in over fifteen years.

  And now, we were going to have to tell our parents that we were in a relationship.

  There was no hiding it anymore, not with how swollen and big my stomach was getting.

  Jax turned to gaze at me, sliding a hand over my belly as he leaned forward to press his lips to my mouth and then my stomach. He nestled his face against the rounded flesh, whispering something to the baby within that I couldn’t hear.

  “Are you scared?” I asked softly as my phone buzzed in my purse.

  I dug it out, checking the message from Cynthia. She and Lucas were preparing for the birth of their own baby, after Lucas discovered the child she was carrying was his. He’d been over the moon about it after being told long ago that he would never have children of his own. The little one was a miracle for them. Cynthia’s two sisters moved in with Lucas at his mansion just down the street from our own, and we saw each other all the time. Ralph was staying with them now so we could have some alone time with our parents.

  “No,” Jax responded honestly, shooting me a sincere smile, “I’m not. There’s nothing they can say that will change what we are.”

  I nodded, pressing a kiss onto the back of his hand.

  He climbed out of the car, walking around to help me out.

  Together, hand in hand, we approached the doorway.

  The pretty mahogany painted door swung open as we approached, our parents’ gleeful eyes greeting us from the doorframe.

  “It finally happened,” Lyle whispered as tears burst into my mother’s eyes, “Did he finally tell you, Em?”

  “What?” Jax gasped, “You knew?”

  “We’ve known since before you left. We saw the way you two looked at one another… when you asked for space we didn’t know what else to do but give you as much as you needed. We hoped that you would come around, we prayed
for the day that you could be honest with yourself.”

  Jax wrapped his arms around me, pressing his lips against my cheek as I turned my face to greedily drink in his kiss.

  There was no more hiding, there was no more shame.

  There was only and our entire lives left.


  Title: Stepbrother The Hard Trainer

  Subtitle: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection

  Editor: Anna Restrepo

  © Copyright 2018 by Anna Restrepo. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental.

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