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Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Read online

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  Smiling at him, I knew then I would never regret the day I said “I do” to him.


  Laid, Lust & Lies


  I haven’t been home in four years. And that’s all their fault. Wyatt and Tyler. The two hottest men I know who have me thinking of my curvy body being sandwiched between hard abs and firm thighs. Those two hot millionaires are my step-brothers and if the idea is already absurd to want to belong to and be possessed by these men, the relationship between us makes it impossible. So I do what I have to and become estranged from my family to keep from crawling on my knees and taking what is not mine.

  When our parents die in a horrific car accident, leaving me with no other choice but to go home, I get my best friend to pose as my lesbian girlfriend. To protect me from them. Never would I have guessed that I am not the only one harboring dirty secrets…


  “Phoebe, remember the… Oh my fucking God!”

  I reacted the only way I could. I slammed the door shut behind me and too late, I realized I should have been on the other side of the door as well. My best friend, my “ride or die” chick, my partner and one of the closest people to me in the world since I was estranged from my family, Phoebe sat at her desk staring at the computer, her hand beneath her desk. It was the look on her face that made me aware of what she was doing, flicking her bean at work. And with the door unlocked no less! Anyone could have walked in and caught her.

  I guessed she was too far gone to stop. The top buttons of her blouse were undone, showing her small breasts. They are so small that she didn’t bother to wear a bra most times. She didn’t have one on today either although I chided her regularly that it wasn’t fitting at the workplace for her nipples to be sticking out of her blouse. It was a distraction to our clients but damned if she listened to me. And damned if she was listening to my outburst of disbelief either. I watched her eyes roll over in her head and her face scrunched as she climaxed.

  I looked away from her. Shit! Phoebe and I were friends since we met as roommates our freshman year of college. That was six years ago and though we were sharing living space since then, I had never ever happened upon her masturbating before. I wished I could say the same, but she’d walked in on me a couple times, as I worked my pussy with my fingers and dreamed about those two men who continued to haunt me even though they were thousands of miles away from me.

  “Damn, Daisy, don’t you ever knock!” Phoebe scolded and I turned to face her again, now that she was done.

  “Excuse me but the last thing I expected to find here was you playing with yourself in the middle of the day and at work too. What porn’s so interesting that you couldn’t wait until you got home?”

  I walked over to the computer to take a peek. I occasionally watched porn too, mostly double-dip and threesomes for reasons I could never disclose to anyone. Before I could get to the desk, Phoebe had a look of panic on her face as she furiously clicked the mouse to hide what she was watching. Instead of the porn, she had been masturbating to, I saw a picture of me from the time we’d vacationed in The Bahamas. Drat! She’d already closed the page.

  “What were you watching?”

  “You’re looking at it,” she replied.

  I glanced at the computer screen again and saw my picture then gave her my “stop screwing around” look. We were so much alike that, at first, I thought there was no way we were going to hit it off. The similarities were with regards to our personalities though. Phoebe was slenderer than me with gentler curves. She was a redhead and had the temperament to match it with the most beautiful jade green eyes. She was extremely beautiful and fun to hang with.

  I was the opposite. I wasn’t exactly fat but my tummy wasn’t as flat as Phoebe’s and there was a little roll when I sat. I was a curvy girl with big boobs, double Ds, wide hips and a generous ass. I felt like I never quite got rid of all the baby fat. Although, I now worked out a lot to keep from gaining any extra weight. I was comfortable with my full figure and men I dated never complained. My platinum blond hair, blue eyes and round “baby face” as my step-brothers used to tease, completed what I thought wasn’t half bad at all.

  “Stop fucking around,” I told her. “And for God’s sake, go wash your hands before you touch anything else on your desk.”

  “It’s just pussy juice for crying out loud!” she rolled her eyes. “I know for a fact you know what it feels like.”

  I refused to blush at her reminding me about catching me masturbating on several occasions. What could I say? I had an extremely high sex drive. I could go all night and still want more the next day. I had a feeling I was never truly satisfied because of my inability to satisfy my craving.

  “I came by to let you know Kate wants to meet tomorrow instead of later this evening.”

  She groaned. “Why can’t she make up her mind? Good grief, how many times has she postponed the meeting? I bet she doesn’t really want to marry the senator but is doing it for the money.”

  “Who cares?” I shrug. “If we plan this wedding, we’ll be paid big time. Don’t give any lip about it.”

  “Isn’t that your phone ringing next door?” she asked me. “You may want to get it.”

  “You won’t get rid of me that easily,” I responded. “I can answer it from here.”

  “Well, I’ll go wash up and you can lecture me then when I return. How about that?”

  She got up from her seat and walked toward the door to use the bathroom. I perched my ass on her desk, my short red skirt riding up my thighs as I snagged her phone to answer my extension next door.

  “Thanks for calling M & M Design and Events, Daisy speaking.”

  “Daisy? It’s Ty.”

  I almost dropped the phone. “Ty?”

  He didn’t need to identify himself. Even after almost a year of not hearing from him, I could not mistake that baritone. The last time I’d seen him was when he’d popped into the office sometime last year and cussed me out for being the worst daughter on the planet. What was it he had said about me the last time he called me, begging me to drop by for our parents’ anniversary? You’re an ungrateful, hurtful, selfish little bitch. I couldn’t even refute this because it was true.

  “I’ve got some bad news, Daisy,” he said and I heard the thick emotion in his voice. “It’s Mom and Dad. They were in a car accident.”

  “What?” I cried in surprise. “Well, are they okay?”

  “I’m afraid they’re gone.”

  “Gone?” I ask in confusion. “What do you mean gone?”

  “My father died on impact,” he replied and I realized the emotion I heard in his voice was grief. “Your mother was taken to the hospital where she died soon after.”

  “Oh God, Ty, please tell me you’re joking.”

  “I wish to God I was,” he responded. Then he bitterly added, “Anyway, I just called to let you know in the event you can find the time out of your busy schedule to pay respect to them now that they’re dead. I know you couldn’t do it when they were alive.”

  My mouth fell open as the dial tone sounded in my ear. I was hurt at his words but more so at the thought that both our parents were dead. I would have never thought of it. I couldn’t breathe. I thought of my mother the last time I’d seen her. Ty probably didn’t know but she had visited me a couple months ago. She had told me she knew why I didn’t come home anymore but she had only guessed a part of it. If I’d come clean with her, they probably would have disowned me.

  “My God, Daisy. Is everything alright?” Phoebe asked walking back into the office in her stilettos.

  “My parents are dead,” I whispered softly then repeated it louder, the words sounding strange to my ears. “My parents are dead.”

  The tears started rolling down my face as sobs racked my body. Oh God, I’d never see them again.

  “Oh no Daisy. Oh God, you poor thing.”

  Phoebe wrapped me in her arms, placing my head on her shoulders. She patted my b
ack and allowed me to bawl my eyes out for the loss of parents I hadn’t seen as often as I should have because of stupid reasons.


  Fully packed and ready for my trip home to Birmingham tomorrow, I sat on the suitcase and zipped the sides together. My heart was heavy and I was trying hard not to cry but it was a losing battle. I couldn’t help it. My parents were gone. First, I’d lost my dad to lung cancer when I was only ten and now I’d lost a second father and my mom this time.

  It didn’t help that Tyler’s call to me the other day had left me guilt-ridden and full of remorse. I barely got a wink of sleep, racked with self-loathing for the way I’d treated the people who loved me most. At nights, I would stay up and think about how things could have been different. What I could have done to change the outcome of the lies I had told as a means of covering up? I still couldn’t see that I’d had a choice. The truth was far worse than the lies I’d told.

  I wheeled the suitcase in the corner for the night and undressed, heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Phoebe was sequestered in her bedroom while I was packing and I walked by her bedroom door to get to the one bathroom in the apartment we shared. I would have never shared a bathroom with another woman but Phoebe was as tidy as I was and we never had any problems when it came to taking turns cleaning.

  We didn’t have a tub, only a shower and I didn’t mind the shocking cold rush of water onto my skin, jolting me. I needed something to bring me back to life. Since I’d learned of the deaths, the closer it got to the funeral, the more numb I got. I would have been home already except there had been clients to call, appointments to fulfill and others to reschedule. That was one of the reasons I had turned down Phoebe’s offer to go with me. Not the real reason but the one I had given her.

  I spent about half an hour in the shower before the door burst open, letting out the steam. I snapped the curtain open on one side wiping the water from my eyes so I could face my roommate.

  “Close the door, you’re letting all the steam out,” I told her.

  “I did it and there’s nothing you can say to make me change my mind,” she replied stubbornly and closed the door.

  “What did you do?”

  “I just booked my flight for Birmingham with you on Southwest. Turns out they have many seats still available on the flight.”

  “You did what?” I exclaimed in disbelief, my mind racing at all the things that could go wrong if she returned with me to Birmingham.

  “It’s useless for you to get upset because it’s already done.”

  “It can be undone,” I insisted. “They have a one-time cancellation policy for a full refund once you cancel within twenty-four hours of booking.”

  “Daisy I’m your best friend,” she stated stubbornly. “I-I...”

  I turned off the tap and stepped naked out the shower but glanced at her with a frown as she seemed to not remember what she was about to say.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “Did I put on weight?”

  “No that’s not it,” she responded then shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. Look Daisy, I’m your best friend and I am not going to allow you to go to that funeral all by yourself. You’re going to need a friend and I am going to be that friend.”

  “You can’t come!”

  “Why not? Give me one good reason.”

  “Because… because of the business.”

  “We’re not exactly hurting for money Daisy,” she replied, reaching for a towel and handing it to me so I could dry myself. “And today when you were out looking for a dress to wear to the funeral, I called all the clients who will be affected by our absence and explained the situation to them. They were all understanding and willing to wait for us to get back to the office except for one person. So what other objection do you have for me coming with you to lend my support? Your always mother was nice to me, Daisy. She treated me like a member of the family and you know how much that meant to me when my own mother ran off and left me with my dad.”

  She was right. I had no other objections for her going with me to spend the weekend at my parents’ home. No reason that I could share with her. I could do this. No one had to be the wiser that I’d lie. Not my step-brothers and not Phoebe. They could never find out or I’d end up looking like a big fool. I didn’t like the way all the lies were growing bigger and bigger though.

  “Fine,” I told her. “You can come with me.”

  “Like I needed your permission,” she claimed and walked from the bathroom.

  I was so grateful for her being there for me as a friend. God only knew how I would get through the funeral and with my step-brothers’ accusatory gazes too. She could be a buffer between us.


  “There, look. I think I see him.”

  I followed the direction Phoebe was pointing in and swallowed as one very hot and tempting step-brother came into my view. Wyatt Montgomery, the younger of the two brothers and older than me by two years. One of the reasons I refrained from returning home. Blond, tousled curls which always made him look as though he’d just gotten out of bed. His dark blue eyes located us and his long legs led him in our direction. Tall and athletic in build, his face split into a tentative grin when he saw me.

  When Ty had insisted that one of the two pick me up from the airport instead of me renting a car, I’d been hoping he wouldn’t come himself. Although both brothers were disappointed in me, Wyatt was more carefree and understanding. He wouldn’t hold a grudge. It was his brother who I feared most. I couldn’t believe they were so different and yet I was drawn to both. And like a moth to a flame, I would get burned if I didn’t remember my role—as their sister. That was what I would always be to them. It didn’t matter that they’d come into my life when I was fifteen and just discovering how intense feelings could be between a boy and a girl. Too bad they’d walked into my life at that time and all my feelings about the opposite sex had been confused with them. At that time, Wyatt had been in senior year of high school and Ty was in college.

  My hand sought Phoebe’s linking our fingers in a gesture she thought meant a request for support as she squeezed mine but to Wyatt would mean so much more. I blushed a little, not wanting to think of what they both would say if they’d discovered my lies.

  “Little sister!” Wyatt cried and enveloped me into an exuberant hug which had me letting go my friend’s hands. “You look good. How long has it been?”

  His question caused a lump to form in my throat. “Too long,” I responded. “I can’t believe they’re gone. You must hate me.”

  “Of course not,” he stated. “Though none of us understood it, you must have had a good reason. Plus, you’ll have enough on your plate dealing with Ty so I can’t give you as much grief.”

  “He is very mad at me, isn’t he?”

  “Livid. But it’s fueled by his hurt,” Wyatt commented before turning to observe Phoebe with interest.

  I swallowed. Here comes the hard part. I grabbed hold of Phoebe’s hand and tugged her forward. “Wyatt, you remember my girlfriend, Phoebe. Phoebe my step-brother Wyatt.”

  I let out a deep breath as they shook hands and none seemed to question my term “girlfriend.” As I’d expected, both had their own interpretation of the word. They didn’t even question it.

  “Nice to meet you again, Phoebe,” Wyatt said. “Thanks for coming to support our family at a time like this.”

  Phoebe nodded and, bless her heart, placed her hand across my shoulders comfortingly. “I’m glad to be here. I’m so sorry about your loss.”

  “Yes, it is a great loss. Come on, the car’s parked this way.”

  We wheeled our luggage behind us and exited the airport, walking to the parking deck. When our luggage was packed away in the trunk of Wyatt’s car, I climbed into the backseat with Phoebe instead of sitting up front with him. We were off for the house.

  “Ty and I decided to stay in the house while you’re there,” he mentioned. “To give you some company. We don’t want
you staying there on your own.”

  I could feel myself starting to panic at the thought of being back in our past situation. Under the same roof—with Tyler and Wyatt. One was bad, two was impossible to resist making me doing stupid things. Like the times I’d run off the girlfriends they brought home due to jealousy I couldn’t contain. When one of them had ended up with a concussion from a prank I’d pulled to get her to leave the house and never return, I’d realized how serious this was and decided to move away to college. Away from the men who made me do crazy things because I couldn’t bear to see them with other women.

  It hurt.

  They never noticed me. I was a little sister to them, to make fun of. Their girlfriends had been slender and made me feel insecure about my curves. Not to mention the way they used to tease me about my baby fat which I hadn’t started to lose until college.

  “Y’all don’t need to do that,” I told him. “I’ve got Phoebe to stay with me.”

  “Well, we didn’t know your girlfriend was coming too,” he stated. “But we already got some of our stuff at the house to stay. Plus, I think it’s best to stick together now, you know.”

  “Yes, you’re right,” I strangled out. He was right but I was sweating at the idea of them being so close. Damn, it was eight years since I moved away. Was I really not over them?

  Phoebe placed her hand on my jean clad thigh and rubbed. “Are you okay?” she said so softly, I was sure Wyatt didn’t hear although he was peering at us from the rearview mirror.

  I placed my hand behind her head, into her hair and pulled her to me so I could whisper into her ear. She leaned into me, thinking nothing of the gesture but I was going for an intimate look.

  “When we get to the house, please don’t leave me alone with those two.”

  “Why not?” she whispered back.

  “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when we get back to Los Angeles. Just promise.”

  “Okay I promise.”