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Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Page 7
Stepbrother The Hard Trainer: A Stepbrother Romance Book Collection Read online
Page 7
A hand reached out and unknotted my robe with a tug, causing it to fall open. I was naked beneath it but couldn’t bring myself to grab for the edges of the robe especially when Wyatt’s hands disappeared inside and found my breasts.
“You can’t deny us this, Daisy,” he said softly. “If only you’d told us how you felt all along.”
“This is the reason you stayed away from home, isn’t it?” Ty asked, in my ear. He had sneaked up to my back, effectively sandwiching me again. His breath was hot against the sensitive flesh of my neck and triggered shards of desire snaking down my spine and flooding my aching pussy. I couldn’t believe I wanted them again after the way they’d made me cum so hard earlier.
“Answer me, Daisy,” he barked, sucking on my ear lobe, his hands reaching under my robe to feel my naked ass. “Don’t let us have to fuck the truth out of you. Be honest with yourself Daisy. Be honest with us about what you want.”
Wyatt’s hand trekked down to my pussy and he rubbed slowly, lazily making me want more. Behind me, Ty’s fingers were rubbing against my pucker, playing and teasing me until I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Yes you’re right!” I cried out. “I’ve always fantasized about doing this with you and I was ashamed of it so I stayed away. I didn’t want to be an embarrassment to the family.”
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, love,” Wyatt replied. “I wish you’d shared this with us earlier. We would have all saved ourselves the headache.”
“Yes, we would have,” Ty agreed. He kissed my neck and my shoulders, while Wyatt did the same to my collarbone and chest. I heard rather than saw them unzipping their pants.
“What do you mean?” I moaned at the finger Wyatt inserted into my pussy. I was so wet from anticipation.
“We have always shared women,” Ty answered, stepping out of his shoes and his pants and underwear. “We knew we wanted to share you when you came home that Christmas with that girl you claimed was your girlfriend. Is she really your girlfriend, Daisy? She told us where to find you when we called looking for you.”
I shook my head. “She was a decoy to stop you from figuring out how I felt.”
“But she fell in love with you,” Ty remarked. “Too bad we aren’t open to sharing you with anyone else.”
“What about you?” I asked. “You brought a girlfriend to the funeral.”
“Not a girlfriend. Just a business associate,” he replied. “You can be sure Daisy that this will be only between us and no one else.”
“Do you understand Daisy?” Wyatt asked. “You don’t have any objections to this, do you? To us laying claim to you like this? Because Daisy, we’ve long been wanting you and now we’ve got you, we’re not letting you go any time soon. Do you think you’re ready to become ours?”
I swallowed hard when Wyatt lifted me in his arms and settled me onto his hard cock. A shiver ran through me and I had to close my eyes from the intensity of that first stroke. Before I could get over it, Ty was pressing his cock coated in his saliva to my anus. He pushed through the quivering ring muscles and filled me with his cock. I wrapped my arms around Wyatt’s neck and hung on for the ride of my life as they both started thrusting hard and deep inside me.
“Yes!” I cried out at the fullness inside my body. I felt plugged with both their cocks. “Oh God yes! Yes! Yes!”
And I knew I wasn’t just crying out in encouragement of what they were doing to me but also consenting and agreeing to us continuing our affair. I wasn’t sure how it would work. I wasn’t convinced our parents would have approved of this but they always wanted us to be happy and we were happy with this. Being sandwiched between them like this made me feel alive and there was no other feeling to be compared to this.
Strange and Beautiful
Tara has been away at college for a long time and she decides to spend the summer with her recently engaged mother in Miami. Little does she know that her mom’s fiancé lives in a gorgeous estate, where his son Noah also decides to spend the summer with his girlfriend, Denise.
Tara is her usual shy and quiet self but she feels herself opening up to Noah in a way that feels wrong, but so right. He is immediately bewitched by the strange and beautiful girl who is to be his new stepsister, and soon sees that she is a better fit for him than Denise.
Can they carry out their forbidden love in secret, or will they have to give each other up in the face of society’s morals?
Tara read the address from a text message her mom had sent her and repeated it to the cab driver, who nodded before driving off. As they drove through the city, Tara looked out of the window- everything was different here, gone were the high-rise buildings of New York City, and they were replaced by swanky houses that looked like they were straight out of a lifestyle magazine. She had never been to Miami before, and she wondered how her mom had ended up here of all places.
“Are you new around here?” The cab driver asked, glancing at her in the rear view mirror, and she nodded as she said, “Yeah, I just graduated from college in New York, and I’m visiting my mom - she just moved here a few months ago.”
The driver nodded and said, “I used to work in New York a few years ago, I missed the noise once I moved here, but all cities are the same in a way.”
Tara smiled politely and then looked out of the window again, not really in the mood to talk. She didn’t get on well with new people, and liked to keep to herself. She glanced down at her phone, she had a map of Miami open on the screen, just so she knew that they were headed in the right direction and the cab driver wasn’t planning on murdering her in some dark alleyway.
They drove on in silence for a while until the cab pulled over outside a giant sprawling mansion. “This is it, miss,” the cab driver said cheerfully, and Tara stared at the house before she checked the address again. “Are- Are you sure this is the right place?” She said uncertainly, peering out at the palatial house with tall gates guarding the estate, enclosing enormous lawns and lush gardens leading up to the mammoth structure.
The driver assured her that this was the address, and Tara got out uncertainly, lifting her suitcase out of the cab as she dragged it over to the gate and rang the doorbell. An intercom buzzed and a distinguished sounding voice said, “Yes?” Tara leaned in and hesitantly said, “This is Tara Haverford, um- I’m Eileen’s daughter?” She bit her lip nervously as there was a slight pause before the voice responded, “Of course, please come in, Tara.”
The gates swung open automatically and Tara nervously walked in through them, turning around to see the cab drive off as the gates swung shut again. She dragged her suitcase slowly along the garden path leading up to the great house which was actually a lot farther away than it seemed. On the way, Tara spotted three greenhouses, a few gazebos and an outdoor seating arrangement that looked as grand as though it were for a very expensive wedding. Finally, Tara stood before the front door, made of polished wood with a large brass lion head as the knocker.
A tall man answered the door, and when he spoke, Tara recognized him as the distinguished-sounding man who had spoken over the intercom. “Miss Haverford, welcome. I’m Graham, the butler,” he said as he lifted Tara’s suitcase and gestured her inside. She walked in, suddenly very aware of the ratty plaid shirt she wore and her scuffed sneakers. She felt as though she ought to wear nothing less regal than a ball-gown and a string of pearls in a house like this. Suddenly, there were footsteps behind her and Tara turned to see her mother hurrying down a great staircase with her arms thrown wide open as she rushed towards Tara and buried her in a giant embrace.
“Darling,” she squealed, “I’m so glad you made it.” She held Tara at an arm’s distance and said, “Oh, your hair’s shorter- why did you cut it? I liked it long; it hid your shoulders, sweetie.” Tara forced a tight smile as she wriggled out of her mother’s grip and ran her fingers through her blonde, shoulder length waves. “I like
it this way,” she said almost defensively but her mother ignored her and turned to Graham. “Do you know when Paul gets back?” The butler nodded and said “This evening, madam.” Her mother thanked him and then led Tara into the living room, “Isn’t this place just wild? I would never have though I’d end up living in a house like this.”
Tara looked around and said, “I thought I had the wrong address when the cab pulled up.” Her mother clicked her tongue and said, “Now Tara, I told you I could come pick you up-” and Tara shook her head, “No, that’s not what I meant to-” but she stopped, knowing her mother would only hear what she wanted to anyway.
Their relationship had been difficult ever since Tara’s father had left when she was fifteen. Tara looked like her dad- blonde and tall, with rounded features, broad shoulders and an ample amount of flesh on her bones.
Eileen, on the other hand, was petite and conventionally beautiful with her sleek dark hair, small rosebud mouth, and elegantly shaped hands and feet; and she seemed to constantly bemoan the way her daughter looked, often cushioning severe insults as motherly concern. Tara had grown up her whole life hearing things like, “Darling you’d be very pretty if you lost a few pounds,” and “I’m just worried about your health, I promise.”
Tara had, over the years, learned to block these things out, and had struggled very hard to start her own personal revolution of loving herself, curves and all. Tara was quietly thinking this to herself when there was a high tinkling laugh and a young couple walked in arm-in arm, both breathtakingly gorgeous and Tara stared as the girl stopped laughing and said, “Sorry, didn’t know we had company.”
Eileen stood up and said, “This is my daughter, Tara. Darling, this is Noah, Paul’s son, and his girlfriend- um?” The girl smiled cattily as she said, “Denise,” and stuck her hand out. Tara stood up and shook her hand hesitantly as she said, “It’s nice to nice to meet you both.” Noah was looking at her as a cat might regard a strange new object and said, “Yes, pleasure,” before leading Denise out through large French windows towards a glimmering swimming pool. Tara looked at her mother who smiled tightly and said, “Those two just got here a few days ago, I haven’t really gotten the chance to- you know.” Tara nodded and sat back down, “Mom, are you happy?” Eileen looked at her daughter, marveling at how grown-up she looked and said, “I’m really happy that you’re here. Are you hungry? Come on, let’s get something to eat.”
Tara knew not to push her and just followed her quietly into the kitchen. As they passed the French windows, Tara glanced out and saw Denise diving into the pool as Noah stood on the deck and pulled his shirt off over his head. The world seemed to stop turning in that moment, and all Tara could see was Noah, with his tanned skin and perfectly sculpted body. He laughed at something Denise said, and Tara saw that he had dimples when he smiled, and chiseled cheekbones when he didn’t. “Tara?” Her mother said, and Tara quickly snapped out of it, “I was looking at the pool,” she said quietly, and Eileen nodded, “Yeah the whole place is really beautiful, I’ll show you around after lunch.”
There was a matronly looking woman in the kitchen and she smiled as Tara and Eileen walked in. “Miss Eileen, you never told me your daughter was this beautiful,” she said smiling at Tara, who smiled back and said, “Hi, I’m Tara.” The woman wiped her hands on her apron and shook Tara’s hand as she said, “And I’m Dorothy, I manage the household. Now sit down, lunch is almost ready.”
Tara and Eileen sat at the long dining table just outside the swinging door of the kitchen and Tara already felt as though she was lost in the gigantic house.
“How any people work here?” Tara asked her mother in a low voice and Eileen shrugged and said, “There’s the butler, there’s Dorothy, there are two chauffeurs and a maid. And then there are the gardeners, the pool boy, the cook and Freddie. He’s sort of the errand boy, and does odd jobs around the estate.”
Tara raised her eyebrows and said, “God Mom, you’re living at Downton Abbey. I mean, how did this even happen? What’s Paul like?” Her mother smiled, but Tara still thought she looked a little sad as she said, “I met him at a bookstore- I had no idea about any of this. He told me after our fourth date, and I was already- Tara you know this isn’t about the money right?” She whispered the last part almost urgently, as though she had been dying to ask her daughter this question.
“Of course,” Tara said, surprised, and then leaned in, placing her hand on her mom’s wrist as she said more earnestly, “Of course I know that Mom, I never for one second thought that-” but she stopped speaking when Denise ran in giggling, her hair soaking wet, and Noah strolled in after her with a towel around his shoulders. He had put on another shirt, to Tara’s disappointment, and sat down right opposite her as Dorothy pushed through the kitchen door holding a large platter of chicken. “Tara dear, do you eat chicken? Is there anything else you would like?” I shook my head and said, “Chicken’s fine, thank you.” I felt eyes on me and I glanced up at Noah, but he was busy helping himself to some food. I looked around and saw Denise staring at me with a look of contempt across her pretty features.
She tossed her long light brown hair and Noah laughed as he said, “Denise, you’re soaking everyone, stop.” She turned her bright green eyes away from Tara and towards Noah as she smiled and said, “Sorry, I don’t know what I’m going to eat- I’m vegetarian, did you forget to tell the cook?” Noah looked at Dorothy who quickly said, “There’s some vegetable lasagna as well, I’ll bring it out,” and then hurried into the kitchen. Tara caught Noah’s eye, who smiled with his mouth full and Tara couldn’t help but smile back.
Denise must have caught the look that passed between the two of them because she then loudly said, “So Tara, what do you do?” her tone thinly veiling a threat. Tara had barely registered that she was being spoken to when Eileen happily said, “Tara just graduated from NYU- she’s a writer.” Tara glanced back down at her plate as Noah softly said, “What do you write?” His voice was sweet, yet commanding and Tara’s eyes fluttered up again as she said, “Um, I write short stories, and poetry- I actually studied journalism at school though.” Noah nodded and resumed eating, and she wondered if he was just asking to be polite. They ate lunch with little bits of conversation floating through the air, but with a general tone of discomfort on all their parts.
Tara looked at her mother and wondered how she would fit in here, and why Paul wasn’t around to help her settle in. “So tell me about Paul,” Tara said after lunch, after she walked with her mother around the garden, admiring the sunflowers peeking out through the greenhouse glass. “He’s sweet, Tara, he really is and he’s nice to me. Sometimes,” she paused and then said, “Sometimes, all you can really ask for is someone to be nice to you and want your company.”
Tara bit her lip and said “Mom, do you love him?” Eileen clicked her tongue and said, “What sort of a question is that? Come on, I’ll show you your room.”
Tara followed her mother back into the house, and on the way, passed by a half-open door through which she glimpsed Denise bending over and whispering playfully to Noah, but he frowned and pushed her away, catching Tara’s eye through the crack in the door. She quickly scuttled away, following her mother down the hallway.
Loud sounds filled the air as Tara awoke from her nap. The patch of sky visible from the window had turned a dark indigo as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The loud sounds continued to carry in the evening air and Tara realized that she was listening in on a heated argument. The voices were carrying in through the window and Tara slowly made her way to the window and stuck her head out to see light spilling out from a window not too far away from hers. She recognized the high pitched voice as Denise’s and figured that the lower, relatively calmer one belonged to Noah. She knew she was invading their privacy, but she shrugged it off; if they wanted to be private they shouldn’t have been yelling so loudly.
“Did you know?” She was screaming, as Tara l
eaned out of the window. It looked out over the pool and Tara intently watched the gently rippling water as she tried to concentrate on Noah’s reply. “No, I didn’t. Denise you’re making a big deal out of this...” A figure appeared in the window and Tara quickly tried to duck back in, but it was too late. Noah had seen her. She bit her lip and shakily waved, and Noah gazed at her for a few seconds before he turned away again and pulled the window shut. Nervously, Tara shut her own window and steadied her breathing. She felt like a schoolgirl caught trying to cheat on a test, and her neck and ears felt very hot as she tried to shrug off the feeling. It wasn’t her fault; they had been too loud and woken her up, and she was simply curious.
Her phone rang and she jumped, startled as she picked it up and saw her Mom’s name on the screen. “Hey Mom,” she answered weakly. “Tara, honey, I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Tara closed her eyes and said “No- I was awake.” She was already starting to regret flying down here to meet her mother. As much as she had missed her, she felt like a huge imposition when she was in this house around all these people. “Darling, come down for dinner,” her mother said, hanging up before Tara could make up some excuse for avoiding it. She got up slowly off the bed when her phone buzzed again; it was a text from her mom: We dress up for dinner so wear something nice.
Tara switched on the light and glanced at her reflection in the tall mirror placed in the corner of her room. She groaned as she caught sight of her wrinkled plaid shirt and ripped jeans. She rummaged through her suitcase, finding nothing fancier than a strappy green dress that she knew her mother would hate. It was either that or a wide selection of T-shirts, so she chose the green dress and paired it with a delicate quartz crystal necklace. She quickly fixed up her face, cleaning up her smudged eyeliner and reapplying it, adding a light smear of lipstick and running her fingers through her hair before she headed downstairs.